Disagreement Conflicts

If you don`t agree with someone, it can end on a positive note. Disagreement forces you to change, innovate and find better ways to do things, develop new skills and use improved resources. Too often, conflicts do not lead to a positive outcome. The larger the conflict, the harder it is to control it when a disagreement can be controlled, says Doug Hovatter of the University of West Virginia. 3. Beware of similarities, not differences. Working with my clients, I discovered that the best way to resolve a disagreement is to look for commonalities. If you focus on the differences, the space becomes wider, but if you look for what you have in common, it helps to close the gap. The next time you disagree, look for a point of agreement, even if you have to stretch. 2. Look beyond your own triggers. Many differences of opinion are due to the fact that someone is triggered by what has been said. What is triggered is usually fear and awareness of one`s own limitations.

No matter what has happened in your past, you need to find a way to get over your triggers and see that you are in a new situation with a person who doesn`t mean you`re struggling. Of course, there are many conflicts where openness, empathy and creativity are simply not part of the process, such as buying a car, returning an unsatisfactory purchase or negotiating the management of lost work. Sometimes disagreements are not discussed. For example, it is unlikely that a new employee will immediately decide on something with which he or she disagrees. As a manager, you need to build trust with your direct relationships and be an active part of the team. Do you understand the difference between conflict and disagreement? 1. Look for understanding. People tend to be disunited if they don`t get along. When a party is so busy being heard and does not spend time understanding, the disagreement is just around the corner.

If you understand that most of us are more alike than the rest of us, you can begin to tolerate and welcome another point of view – even appreciate. First, try to understand and appreciate. This does not mean that you must agree, only that you are open to hearing it.

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