Research Confidentiality Agreement Sample

The example (model 1) and two others can be downloaded by clicking on the links on the right. A confidentiality agreement (sometimes referred to as a “confidentiality agreement”) is a legal contract in which the signatory agrees not to disclose the information covered by the agreement. Academic research often uses confidentiality agreements between researchers and members of their research team (e.g. B translators, transscriptors, students) who may be introduced to confidential and/or sensitive information as part of their role in a research project. In order to ensure that information, knowledge or research results transmitted to another party are confidential and not misused, a confidentiality agreement (CDA) or confidentiality agreement (NDA) should be established between the provider and the recipient of such information. It is important that you do not sign the confidentiality agreement yourself, since ROO is an authorized signatory of the university that must sign the agreement on your behalf. All necessary verifications, negotiations and subsequent approvals of the proposed agreement will be carried out by the ROO. They have been set to [insert task] for [insert researcher`s name(s)] for the research project [insert title]. The ethical policies of this study require that you read and sign this form, which means that you are willing to enter into a confidentiality agreement regarding the data collected in this study. By signing below, you indicate that you have read and understood the above agreement and that you will comply with all specified conditions. The audio recordings you receive probably contain participant identification markers as well as the names of third parties (for example.B. colleagues, family members and/or acquaintances of participants).

To protect privacy, you must remove all identifiers of third parties and participants who wish to remain anonymous. If the transcript takes place outside of the university, ensure that all recordings, transcripts, and recordings remain confidential (i.e., Materials are never left unattended and are safe if not used). By signing below, you agree not to disclose any information about audio recordings or in written transcripts. In addition, you agree not to discuss participants or data collected in this study with anyone other than the primary controllers. . . .

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