Wedding Agreement Jam Tayang, Jakarta Film Accord of marriage yang tayang mulai Kamis (8/8/2019) terus merayap ke local tangga kasse. Pada hari pertama penayangan, Film yang dibintangi Refal Hady dan Indah Permatasari sukses menyerap 70 ribuan penonton. Senin (19.08.2019) pagi, Wedding Agrement telah meraup 644 ribu penonton lebih. Jumlah penonton wedding terus bertambah mengingat Parade Film Musim Panas Hollywood telah selesai. The following list of film actors is based on IMDB[4]: Wedding Agreement is an Indonesian drama film by Archie Hekagerys Starvision Plus of 2019, based on the novel of the same name by Eria Chuzaimiah aka Mia Chuz. Another hilarious scene where the mystery of the couple`s bed division is almost pierced. Fale`s Gelapoese expression is truly hilarious. On the other hand, Indah`s panic, which is trying to cope with the situation, is a sensation. Another advantage of the film, Archie`s sweetness in polishing the scenes “homeland” becomes romantic. From here, we know That Archie knows exactly where the wedding is going. It`s nice to see the lead actors in The Drama of the House come to life and make fun of it from time to time. From this farce, we know that Bian and Tari have a strong chemistry. Film ini mengisahkan tentang Bian (Refal Hady) yang rela dijodohkan dengan Tari (Indah Permatasari) half membahagiakan ibunya, meskipun ia sudah menjalin hubungan selama lima tahun dengan kekasihnya, Sarah (Aghniny Haque).

Dan kekuatan tekad Tari untuk mempertahankan perkawinan ini sekaligus merebut hati Bian dari Sarah. Film ini tayang pada 8 Agustus 2019. [1] The marriage contract is expected to be published on August 8, 2019. In addition, the soundtrack is delicious, even if it is not too attached to the head. It is rare that there is a story about a contractual marriage like this, which seems very religious. It`s a real potential. It`s just one point less than this movie. Fourth, I can`t stand a gentle dance. Even though he tried to be tough and patient, he still had a lot of love.

I still want him to meet the Bian hahaha. Honestly, this movie is getting boring. Patiently, Tari approached Bian until he eventually collapsed. He also invited Bian to hike and lead a religious Sharia life. “It`s such a touching film,” said producer Chand Parwez. Aghniny Haque stars in the film Wedding Agreement Sarah. Mia had offered her novels to several film production companies, but was turned away until Starvision Plus turned the content of the novel into a film in 2019. [3] The scenes in the film end with the wedding scenes of Aldis and Sarah. The marriage contract is expected to be published on August 8, 2019. TRIBUNPADANG.COM – The film The Wedding Agrrement salutes the moment of Eid al-Adha and independence and is released in cinemas.

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